TallyPrime Digital Signature
2021-07-16 14:30:46
Digital Signature in TallyPrime has been developed taken into consideration new GST invoicing rules where gst compliant business have to sign their sale invoice, credit note, debit note purchase order digitally.
Signing TallyPrime invoice digitally is not the default feature of Tally.ERP 9. Taken into consideration the requirement from clients and their queries "how to generate digitally sign invoice from tally" we have developed this tdl for digital signature in TallyPrime.
- Insert signature in tally invoice with this tdl having single page with click
- Add digital signature in invoice having multiple page with click
- Digitally sign multiple page multiple copies of invoice with click
- (Original for buyer, Duplicate for transporter...)
- Digitally sign & email invoice on click
- Signature alignment configuration
- Fitted for all paper size
- No specific operating system dependency (Windows 7, 8 , 10, Windows Server)
Benefits to Business
- Save time as invoices not to be signed manually one by one.
- An integrated environment which works with signing, transfer, processing of electronic documents which can happen within the system.
- Cut down on as much as 70% of the cost involved in the manual process.
- Digital signatures are a go-green initiative, an eco-friendly option and a clear alternative to the paper-intensive processes.
- Digitally signed documents are legally validated by the Indian IT Act, 2000.
- Digitally signed documents are legally validated by the GSTN.
How can you reach us?
You can reach us directly on our Tally support care contact number +91 9323586423 (or)
Write us on helpdesk@spectratally.com/info@spectratally.com (or)
Raise a ticket from your Tally Support Centre Selecting Spectra Compunet Pvt Ltd as your preferred partner. Illustration for reaching us through Tally Support Centre.